Welcome to CAUDLeading the Way Annual Summit
January 30 and 31, 2025 @San Joaquin County Office of Education 
In person and Hybrid Sessions 
Friday January 31, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
Wondering what your "first move" should be when it comes to Universal Design for Learning? This practical, interactive session will "get you into the game" with ease. Participants will learn the importance of intentionally introducing learners to the concept of Universal Design for Learning. Then, using a Tic-Tac-Toe-style choice menu, they will explore resources and create a plan for sharing UDL with learners and engaging them in UDL-aligned strategies.

Session Resources

Kelly Matteri, Program Coordinator - Universal Design for Learning (UDL) & Instructional Equity, works alongside educators, students, and community members to co-create learning experiences and environments where all members of the learning community can shine. Prior to coming to SCOE, Kelly worked as a classroom teacher in public schools and a behavioral counselor in residential treatment centers.
Kelly enjoys singing, dancing, laughing and learning with her family and friends.
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Kelly Matteri

Coordinator - ELA/UDL/HSS, Sonoma County Office of Education - ESS Department
I approach teaching and learning with equal parts discipline and enthusiasm. Feeling chatty? Let's talk... anti-racism, anti-ablism, "messy" learning, resilience, empowering students, productive struggle, joy in the classroom, twice-exceptional learners, Universal Design for Learning... Read More →

Friday January 31, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
Chartville 2. Wentworth Education Center
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